Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,
If we have managed to interest you and you would like to contact us, then this is the right place you have come to.
If you are a Goan, or of Goan origin or interested in Goan traditions and culture and would like to recieve information and invitation emails from us, send us a email to the address mentioned below with the word Subscribe in the subject line and please write your full name, postal address and telephone number in the mail.
Below is our postal address and our email address
All information and invitations of our events will be sent only via email. If anyone's email or postal address has been changed, please send us a email with the new information so that we can update our records.
If you are recieving emails and letters from us and do not want to recieve them anymore. Then please send us a mail with the word Unsubscribe in the subject line and full name and address and telephone number in the mail. We will then delete your email and postal contact information from our records.
The sole purpose of the contact information is to enable us to send you information or invitation emails, we assure you that, no information will be shared with any kind of third parties.
Dev borem korum.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Friday, February 07, 2025, 09:00 PM
Contact Information
Goan Association Germany e.V.Postfach 190246 60089 Frankfurt am Main
Email Address