Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,

Goan Association Germany e.V. celebrates different functions. This section has reports of some of the functions.

Dev borem korum.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Friday, February 07, 2025, 09:17 PM

Report of the GAG e.V. Christmas Get-Together 2013

held on Sat. 30th Nov. 2013 at Frankfurt Preungesheim
by Ms. Maria Joanita Franke, Germany

On the 30th of November the Goan Association of Germany e.V. celebrated their annual Christmas Get-Together in Preungesheim, Frankfurt. The event started at 7:00 p.m .

The General Secretary, Maria Joanita Franke opened the function by giving a short Konkani speech about the forthcoming program, followed by a welcome speech by the President, Mr. Jerome Simoes to all.

Thereafter, the Nativity play was held on stage comprising of Goan Youth of all ages. This play was directed by Ashly Carrasco. The youth put up an awesome show. The play was well appreciated by the audience. The ballroom dancing began and the floor was immediately occupied by the enthusiastic dancers.

In between, beverages like red and white wine, sparkling wine, soft drinks, and snacks were made available at the bar. A sumptuous Goan dinner buffet was laid out comprising of Chicken Xacuti, Sorpotel, Channa masala, Rice, Salad, Pasta for kids. This was followed by dessert and cakes served with tea and coffee.

During this event, a Square dance performance was given by a group, who came all the way from Büdingen, which was well received by the audience.

Dj was Trevor Simoes, who selected variety of good dancing music. The hall was surprisingly fully packed, well beyond capacity and there was no more place available.

Tombola was held to raise the funds for the association and many prices were won and given away.

Christmas father gave a big surprise to the kids and handed over Christmas gifts.

To conclude, the Christmas party was well organized by the managing committee members, which everyone enjoyed.

Movie Screening 2013 in Frankfurt

held on Fri. 4th of October 2013 in Frankfurt Bornheim
by Ms. Maria Joanita Franke, Germany

It was a working day, Friday the 4th of October 2013. The movie entitled BLACK NHESOP ATANCHEN FASHION, produced and directed by Mr.Tiburcio Rebello (T-Bush) was screened in Frankfurt. The movie was dedicated to the Goan musicians all over the world. The movie started at 19.00 hours, with a surprise of a sizeable turnaround of Goans from Frankfurt and those travelling from Raunheim, Rüsselsheim, Langen and others from far-off places. The President Mr. Jerome Simoes opened the function by welcoming T-Bush and all the Goans present. It was nice to see how the people enjoyed the movie as it could be seen by the pin drop silence in the hall.

During the break snacks and drinks were offered that also gave opportunity to people to mingle sociably with some familiar and some not so familiar faces. The General Secretary thanked Mr. Mariano Pereira for initiating the action and making the necessary arrangements for screening the movie and Cynthia Vogt for her assistance. She also thanked everybody who showed up and supported the event and those who donated towards the event. The movie that has not been released in Goa yet was screened for free by T-Bush Rebello, personally here in Frankfurt. The GAG wished him all the best for his future.

On the whole it was a nice and plesant evening which also served as a gathering for Goans to exchange views, meet old friends and make new friends. Thanks to the managing committee for making this event enjoyable, with their hard work.


Report of the Family Picnic

held on Saturday the 10th of August 2013
by Ms. Maria Joanita Franke, Germany

The weather forecast said 26° so a perfect day for a family outing which was held at the Schwanheimer park in Frankfurt, on the 10th of August 2013. The picnic started at 11:00 a.m

The committee members were out earlier as the place had to be reserved and other preparations had to be made. The President, Jerome Simoes started with a speech of welcome and thanks to all those who came to make that day, a memorable one. It was very interesting, to see people catch up with friends who were not seen around for a long time. Gordon Ferrao and Naveen John had the great pleasure to take picnic photos to highlight the event. Avelar Nunes and Reggie De Sousa were our fantastic barbecuers who mastered their job well and the food was well on time. Everybody brought a dish of salad, dessert or cake to round up the whole. The table was filled with delicious food, a real tease for the taste buds. The bar was filled and chilled which was a pleasure to quench everybody`s thirst on such a hot day. We had steaks and tandoori chicken and bratwurst (german sausage) also Puzta sausages which were pungent and delicious.

After food we had a game for the children called pinning the tail organized by Silvia Klafki and an adults game called hitting the pot. There was a prize for both games. We also had our famous housie organized by Ashly Carrasco where five prizes were given out. The main prize went to a new goenkar , Josman Ferrao for the full house. Our youngsters also had the opportunity to play table- tennis.

After that , we had to straighten our voices. Song texts were given out so that all could sing to our obligatory goan Mandos and Dulpods where all could sing, and sang. People who passed by, even stopped to watch us sing.

After that, tea and cake were served. The heavens were clear and in our favour. A family picnic for all ages, young and old, with lots of fun where friends met. Thanks to all those who who helped to make that day a success. Thanks to all donations. We were there to have fun and that's exactly what we did.

Report of the Celebration of GAG e.V. 10 years Jubilee and the Feast of Padrè Josè Vaz (Bl. Joseph Vaz)

held on Saturday the 1st of June 2013
by Mr. Mariano Pereira, Frankfurt Germany

Goan Association Germany celebrated its 10 years Anniversary Jubilee together with the feast of Padre Jose Vaz on 1 June 2013 here in Frankfurt with a big bash.

To commemorate this twin occasion a High Mass was held at St. Christophorus Church Frankfurt by Rev. Dr. Savio Vaz as the main celebrant with assistance of three concelebrants, Monsignor Stephen Alker of the International English Speaking RC Church Frankfurt and two visiting priests from Goa. The choir consisting of sizeable crowd chanted the melodious liturgical hymns in both English and in Konkani accompanied by 2 violinist and a guitar player to everyone's delight.

A social event followed at the Parochial Hall. The president of Goan Association Germany Jerome Simoes in his welcoming speech thanked the four Priests for celebrating the high mass to begin with and all the other over one hundred participants who came from far and near to the function. He spoke briefly covering important historical aspects on Padre Jose Vaz's life and stated the balance of the funds deriving from this function will be remitted to the Spiritual Renewal Center Old Goa for the restoration of structures of Fr. Jose Vaz.

Mr. Jerome Simoes thereafter recognized the founding members of the Goan Association Germany on completion of 10 years anniversary of GAG during the ceremony and the cutting of the cake was done by the first president Matano Gracias. Jerome also thanked the founding members for their energetic efforts to get the association officially approved and running it initially until it was brought to a sound footing. The General Secretary Maria Joanita Francke took over the function from this point on as mistress of ceremony.

As a result of the delay to start implementation of the program it was past three O'clock in the afternoon and the stomach was growling with hunger after a few beers and red wine flowing in the bar, however, the sumptuous buffet served consisting of Shark Amot Tik , Chicken Curry, Sorpotel, Rice, and a noodle dish more than compensated for the delay. For dessert a table size cake with the GAG logo in the middle was displayed and rather an unusual dish up of a Goan delicacy of Sheuhio with molasses was making rounds in the hall.

The usual Ball room dancing followed after the good meal to the tunes of electronic music provider Trevor Simoes and the not so spacious floor was occupied by the dancers to its maximum capacity. The choir singers and others joined in Mando singing session in between and a range of other activities including Tombola to raise funds was organized by the managing committee. On the whole the function of this small Goan community in Germany was well organized by the executive committee members of the Goan Association to include Sylvia Klafki, Ashly Carrasco and John Martins.