Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,
Goan Association Germany e.V. celebrates different functions. This section has reports of some of the functions.
Dev borem korum.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 05:33 AM
Reports from the year 2016
Report of the Christmas Get-Together
held on Saturday the 26th November 2016

by Ms. Melanie DeMelo, Frankfurt Germany
The Goan Association Germany e. V. (GAG) celebrated their annual Christmas Party on the 26th of November 2016 at 18:00 hours in Frankfurt Preungesheim, the first advent weekend of the festive season.
All arriving guests were welcome to help themselves at the bar to a choice of softdrinks, beer or wine. With a little delay the evening began with the President, Mr. Avelar Nunes and Reginaldo De Sousa welcoming the guests and introducing the upcoming programm which was very well planned and executed.
Thereafter our DJ's Cleon Fernandes and Reginaldo De Sousa started heating up the dancefloor. They really had a fantastic selection, so much so that the crowd did not want to leave the dance floor. Who was not yet warm enough by that time could enjoy a homemade Gluehwein which was exclusively prepared for this Christmas occasion.
Clarissa Mascarenhas and Harshita Martins performed a Bollywood dance and received a great applause to perform their show dance once again.
In the background the buffet team was preparing the dinner buffet. This well-laid sumptuous buffet was then opened to the guests but not before Father Peter blessing the bounty. The guests enjoyed the home made Goan cuisine dishes such as, Chicken Tandori, Gram Curry, Pork Vindaloo, Champignon Xacuti, rice and salad followed by desert, coffee and cake.
After another set of dancing Music the children and youth choir sang Christmas Carols in a lovely presented crib scene, which was very well appreciated by the public with a big applause. Of course no Christmas goes by without Santa passing by at the Goan Association Germany Party with goodies for the small and also big kids.
In between all these, there was so much of dancing with lots of spot-prizes. Last but not least a tombola with lots of prizes was held after dinner.
It was great to see so many people attending the GAG Christmas Party enjoying the evening. Thanks to all those who helped in which-ever way.
Report of the Annual Goan Association Family Picnic
held on Saturday the 9th of July 2016

by Ms. Melanie DeMelo, Frankfurt Germany
The Goan Association Germany had their traditional annual family picnic on Saturday the 9th of July at the Schwanheimer Wald. Some committee members were very early there to ensure that a good and exclusive spot could be reserved and that the BBQ fires would be ready in time. From 11:00AM the first guests walked in, many of them were wearing Portugal football jerseys, since Portugal hat made it to the finals of the European Football Cup.
The BBQ buffet table got filled with various colourful and delicious salads and side dishes which the guests brought along. A Bar was set up so that everyone could help themselves with beer, wine and softdrinks. Our grill masters Avelar, Ashly, Michael and Reggie took good care of the BBQ fires and grilled tasty steaks, chicken, Bratwurst and spicy sausages which were specially ordered for our BBQ. GAG General Secretary Ashly welcomed the over 70 guests who were present that morning before he handed over the mike to Jerome Simoes, who thanked the committee for their good work. Finally, Monsignor Stephen Alker was requested to say the grace before meals.
After lunch Sylvia Klafki hosted a childrens game, while the adults were busy buying their houssie tickets. When the houssie began, the crowd was sweating not only because of the perfect weather conditions we had, but also because of the prizes which could be won during the game. During the houssie game the President of the goan association Mr. Avelar Nunes thanked the people for their support, co-operation and donations for this function. After that a adult game of passing the Parcel was conducted by the GAG, in which all the Adults participated in.
Father Stephen Alker has been attending our picnic from his very first year on and as this was going to be his last picnic before leaving for good to England, the GAG wanted to thank him for his support and presented him a flower bouquet.
At tea time, the people enjoyed a hot cup of tea, which was prepared over the BBQ fire. A vareity of cakes and sweets, which the guests had brought along, were served. After that song sheets with traditional Goan Mandos, Dekni and Dulpods were handed out to the people and most of the people joined the singing to the Rhythums of the Drums. At early evening the guests helped themselves to the remaining grilled meats and drinks at the well equipped bar. The picnic came to an end at around 7 PM. One could see that the Goan community enjoyed the afternoon which we spent together singing Konkani Mandos, playing games or just having a relaxed chat in the woods around our BBQ grill.
We, the organizers, gratefully thank all who brought along salads, sweet-dishes, rice, ice-creams, ice, etc. All who volunteered to help and most importantly to all who followed the GAG invitation and attended our Family picnic.
Report of the Celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph Vaz
held on Saturday the 4th June 2016

by Ms. Melanie DeMelo, Frankfurt Germany
On 4th of June 2016 the Goan Association Germany e.V. once again celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph Vaz at Pfarrkirche St. Markus in Frankfurt Nied.
The celebration started at 11am with a High Mass by Monsignor Stephen Alker of the International English Speaking Roman Catholic Church Frankfurt. Father Albert Seelbach from Frankfurt-Zeilsheim con-celebrated the mass which was held in English. Monsignor Stephen Alker spoke during the homily about the life of Saint Joseph Vaz and under which circumstances he was born, brought up in India, his studies in Goa and his missionary efforts in Sri Lanka. The mass was accompanied by the choir singing meaningful English and Konkani hymns. The statue of Saint Joseph Vaz was placed in front of the altar in a bed of rose petals. After mass GAG President Mr. Avelar Nunes thanked Monsignor Stephen Alker, Father Albert Seelbach, the Eucharistic Ministers, the Altar girls and boys, the choir lead by Jerome Simoes and all involved helpers to celebrate the beautiful mass. He invited all guests to join in the parish hall closeby.
At the parish hall all guests were welcomed to be seated and to help themselves with softdrinks, beer, wine or water. GAG President Mr. Avelar Nunes welcomed the crowd. The former President of the Goan Association Germany, Mr. Jerome Simoes took over the mike and also welcomed the guests. He introduced the newly elected Executive committee members: President - Mr. Avelar Nunes, Vice President - Mr. Reginaldo De Sousa, Treasurer - Mrs. Audrey Cabral, General Secretary - Mr. Ashly Carrasco, Joint Secretary - Mr. Michael Mascarenhas, Public Relations Officer - Ms. Melanie De Melo
After that the crowd was already enjoying themselves on the dancefloor dancing to the rhythms of our Goan DJ's Simoes & Simoes before tasty snacks were served. Before opening the buffet, Monsignor Stephen Alker blessed the food and said the grace. The MC then asked the guests, that as a mark of respect, to observe a minute's silence to the recently departed especially Prof. Dr. Carneiro, Dr. Fernandes, Seby DeSouza. This was promptly observed by all.
The colourful dishes consisted of salad, rice, Butter Chicken, Vegetables Curry, Channa, Pork Vindaloo, pickel and papad. The lovely food was followed by delicious fruit salad with mango sauce and icecream. After lunch the crowd again hit the dancefloor and then took some rest while sweating during the housie game. Several prizes were won. The children really enjoyed their game conducted by Mrs. Silvia Klafki.
A special round of applause was given to Stena Lobo and Clarissa Mascarenhas for performing a Bollywood dance. Later in the Afternoon, coffee and tea was served along with several cakes on the buffet. It was early evening, when the well organised, enjoyable function ended.
Dev Borem Korum.