Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,

Goan Association Germany e.V. celebrates different functions. This section has reports of some of the functions.

Dev borem korum.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 05:18 AM

Report of the Annual Goan Association Family Picnic

held on Saturday the 4th of July 2015
by Ms. Maria Joanita Franke, Germany

The Goan Association Germany held their annual family picnic for it's members and supporters of the association on 4th July 2015 at Waldpark in Schwanheim. There were quite a number of new faces and also some parents visiting their family from Goa. The administrative committee did a wonderful job in seeing that everything was in place before most of the people arrived. The president, Jerome went early in the morning to the park in order to secure a cool and shady place since it was an extremely hot day.

Ashly and Gordon started grilling the meat so that by the time the guests arrived it would be ready. Avelar also helped with the Grilling so that the others could get a break.

The members started arriving one by one with their bowls of side dishes such as salads, rice, cooked vegetables and desserts which was requested by the president for those attending the picnic to bring a side dish. Before lunch, the president welcomed the guests and thanked them for their presence and support during the year. The Grace was then said by Monsignor Father Alker, and the buffet declared open. After lunch popular picnic songs were sung, followed by games for the kids. In the afternoon tea and coffee was served with a variety of cakes. This was then followed by housie.

The picnic came to an end at around 18:00 hours with everyone saying goodbye to one another.

Report of the Celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph Vaz

held on Saturday the 25th April 2015
by Mr Mariano Pereira, Frankfurt Germany

The Goan Community in Frankfurt Germany celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph Vaz, the first Saint of Goan origin canonized by Pope Francis on 14th January 2015 in Sri Lanka.

To mark this occasion a solemn High Mass was held on 25th April 2015 (11:00 Hrs.) at St. Christophorus Church Frankfurt. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Rajkumar Joseph and Fr. Bhaltazar Blumers of Rüsselsheim and was accompanied by the usual Goan Association choir conducted by Jerome Simoes with choir ensemble singers consisting of Madge Esteves, Antonieta and Savio Mendonca, Tassy and Ashly Carrasco, Jollyn Martins and Zelia Simoes and the music played by father and daughter duo Jeorge and Jelyssa Esteves.

Followed by the religious service a grand reception was organized by the association committee members at the Parish Hall. The president Jerome Simoes welcomed the gathering of little over top of one hundred participants coming not only from Frankfurt but from near and far away places like Rüsselsheim, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart. A small token of appreciation was given to Fr. Rajkumar Joseph, Fr. Bhaltazar Blumers and Fr. Stephen Alker by the founding President of the Association Mr. Martano Gracias.

Blessed Padre Jose VazSt. Joseph Vaz 2015
St. Joseph Vaz 2015
All variety of drinks was served on the house and the delicious snacks to go with it. Thereafter a sumptuous Goan style vegetarian, meat and seafood buffet was served to everyone's delight. The full course luncheon included a wide variety of sweet deserts.

Trevor Simoes continuously played the recorded music for those who wanted to occupy the dance floor. Highlight of the cultural program was a corridinho dance trained by Marina Nunes with young performers consisting of Janice Cabral, Liesenn D'Sousa, Caroline Pereira, Clarence Pereira, Tyra Carrasco, Clarissa Mascarenhas, Stenzel Mascarenhas and Jeorge Dias Esteves. A token of gratitude was given to the participants by founding member of the Association Mr. Mariano Pereira.

This is the fourth annual feast of Bhagivont Joseph Vaz celebrated by this community in Frankfurt and the first after his elevation to Sainthood.

The function was well organized by the committee members and was friendly, lively and enjoyable.