Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,
Goan Association
Germany e.V. (GAG e.V.) was formally founded on the 31st October
2003, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Our objective is to
cater to the socio-cultural needs of the Goans in Germany.You can
find more details about our aims, objectives and how to get
involved in the About section.
GAG e.V.
undertakes every year various cultural & social
activities for the members, their families and
friends. In the past GAG e.V, with the support of the
Konkani Dramatic Association (KDA) in London
presented 3 very well attended ‚Konkani
Tiatr‘. The Annual picnic is organized for the
members exclusively. Goa Nite Ball/Get-Together with
lots of prizes, lots of fun, lovely music and of course
festache jevon. Christmas Party/Get-Together with
Santa Claus, loads of prizes etc, etc. On the 5th May
2012, the feast of Blessed Padrè Josè
Vaz was celebrated for the first time. All upcoming
and past events are listed in the EVENTS section. Reports of
our functions are located in the REPORTS section. The
photographs taken during the functions can be found
in the PHOTO
GALLERY section. Some videos are also available
which are located in the VIDEOS section.
We thank, the
interim committee, all elected past and current
committee members and their families, well-wishers and
all who have supported us in one way or another,
ensuring the smooth running of this association.
But, we need more help, ideas, sharing your talents
with us, etc. This is your association, so get
involved, we need your help to sustain the legacy of
our Goan language, heritage and culture for future
generations of Goans.
Dev Borem Korum.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Friday, February 07, 2025, 08:58 PM