Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,
Goan Association Germany e.V. celebrates different functions. This section has reports of some of the functions.
Dev borem korum.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 05:35 AM
Reports from the year 2011
Report of the GAG e.V. Christmas Party 2011
held on 28th November 2011 at Frankfurt Preungesheim
Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho!!!
There comes the Santa with all his goodies for the kiddies.
On this a dull day - 26th Nov. 2011 - the Goan Association-Germany e.V.(GAG) brought out another surprise from Santa‘s sack by presenting a great evening of Dine & Dance.
With the guests filling-up every chair available, the President of GAG, Mr. Vito Oliveira opened the grand evening with a short message to all and then proclaiming the party to begin.
There was lots of dancing. The DJs for the evening, Simoes & Simoes assured that guests of every age were provided with the music that they wanted. Lots of novelty prizes were given out for the dancing.
A well-spread buffet was laid-out by the buffet-master Mr. Michael Mascarenhas, which, after a word of Thanksgiving, was opened to all. That sure was one of the absolute highlights of the evening. One could only say - DELICIOUS! A well stocked bar assured that the spirits remained high.
Santa made his royal entry to the delight of all the children. These kids were even more delighted after receiving their goodies from Santa.
There were lots of prizes that were won for Tombola.
Another absolute highlight was the Carol-singing to the accompaniment of the 3 musicians - Joe King on the Saxophone and Esteves & Paulo Oliveira on the guitars. Great to see that everybody took part in it.
The Organizing Committee thanked all the guests for being there. They also thanked all the sponsors and those who helped. The OC then wished all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!
Report of the Family Picnic and World Goa Day 2011 at Schwanheimer Park
held on Saturday the 23rd of July 2011
The Goan Association Germany e.V. (GAG) held the World Goa Day together with the Family Picnic on the 23rd of July at the Schwannheimer Park in Frankfurt-Germany.
It was not an ideal day to have a picnic, with the skies being very dull and the weather being pretty chilly. Never-the-less as noon was approaching there was a head count of over 95 people, which was very encouraging. The organizers very methodically got the main food ready. To supplement, the guests brought either a salad or a sweet dish. There was lots of food for everyone.
The President of GAG, Vito Oliveira gave a small speech about the World Goa Day and how it came into being. He very cathegorically mentioned the Founder of WGD - Mr. Rene Barreto and how the Goans the world over celebrate this day. Vito also clarified the the World Goa Day is generally celebrated the world over on the 20th of August, but due to time constraints we had to celebrate it on the 23rd of July.
And to show our solidarity to the WGD, there was a Mando-singing session, whereby the young and old took part. The sounds of the drums, guitar & the mouth-organ only added to the melancoly.
As usual there was the game of Housie with lots of prizes and a couple of games for the children.
Surprisingly the weather showed its better side by not raining. All enjoyed and had lots of fun. The organizers were very well complimented by all for the wonderfull show they dished out.
In the end there was a big thunder-shower but by then everybody had already dispersed.